Hello, Our organization would like to start recording donations that come in from Donor Advised Funds (DAF) under the DAF with a soft credit to the supporter. This is best practice to help ensure that we don’t distribute a receipt to a donor with a donation which they did not give to us directly. The foundation or account with the DAF will supply the receipt, for example, Fidelity Charitable or St. Louis Community Foundation. Just to provide that background info.
So, when we want to pull a report of donors who gave $1,000+ in a year, we’d ideally like to option for it to take into account the soft credits as well. This is also why it would be helpful to have a soft credit column option on the reports so we can best know who has given how much. Funraise’s description of soft credits seems to be more about who inspired a gift, but I’ve always known of soft credits more for who a donation is from when they gave through a third-party. A little more info if it’s helpful.
Uses for Soft Credits
Best Practices for DAF
It would be helpful to pull reports with notes so if a donation has a note attached, we can see it without going into each individual account. I also noticed that when entering a check or donation on the backend, there isn’t the option to dedicate the donation in honor or memory of someone. I was doing this today and put that info as a transaction note instead. It’d be great to have the option to add a dedication on the back end.
In my eyes and from my experience in Development, this is an urgent need for FR. Honestly, with how much extra we are paying for Intelligence on top of FR, I am bewildered that this reporting for soft credits isn’t included. I don’t say that in a complaining way, but that it’s honestly surprising and disappointing that something like this isn’t included.
Thank you.