Sell tickets and collect donations on same site

We are running a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign but also want to sell tickets to an event on this site. We can’t add tickets to the site’s form because that’s the giving form used on the fundraiser’s pages and it needs to remain a donation form. How do we use both a ticketing form and a donation form on a campaign site?


Great question. Campaign Sites have a single default form that can either function as a ticketing form or a donation form. But a Funraise campaign site is just like any other website, so you can embed multiple forms into the site as needed.

In your case, you would want the default site form to be a donation form and then you’ll want to embed an additional form to sell tickets.

To embed an additional form on a campaign site:

  1. Create a new Giving Form > Access the publish code
  2. In the site editor, paste your ticketing form’s Form Configuration Code in the Site’s Header Code Injection
  3. In the site editor, add a new HTML section > paste the Button Code into the HTML block.

Good to know: When embedding an additional form on a Campaign Site, you do not need to paste the Funraise Aware Code because this code is already loaded on your site to power the site’s default form. You’ll just want to make sure that your site’s form and the additional form are both Version 2 (which is the default form setting).


Hi everyone :wave: we’ve recently released a new feature that allows you to select a specific Giving Form for any button on a Campaign Site. Learn how to use this feature here.

This improvement means you can add multiple forms to your sites without code :slight_smile: